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Professional Marketing Consultant/Fractional Chief Marketing Officer

For over 25+ years, Lisa has provided clients with successful growth strategies, brand development & management, and dynamic marketing plans. With proven experience in both B2B and B2C, Lisa leads businesses to increased returns, scaled growth and improved ROI. FMS applies the latest tools and capabilities to meet clients’ needs and exceed expectations.

If you’re tired of “more of the same” marketing activities that promise a lot but deliver little, now is the right time to contact Lisa Fine at Fine Marketing Solutions.

colleagues at conference table

A Servant-Leader Approach for Success

Our approach to success is simple: the client always come first. It is important that clients feel comfortable and trust the partners they work with. The best work comes from a strong, honest client-consultant relationship.

We understand that there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution, and that’s why we remain flexible and customize our services to the specific needs of our clients. We’re proud of our sterling reputation, built from years of successful work and loyal client trust. Whether you need an effective print campaign or a cutting-edge digital solution, we’re the right team for growing your business.

Excellent Work That Delivers Results

Our clients trust us to deliver superb results, and our proven track record reflects our success. Through the alignment of the right strategies, marketing, brand identity, sales strategy, and operations, Fine Marketing Solutions brings the expertise to drive revenue, increase lead generation and improve ROI. We implement intelligent strategies for B2B and B2C that earn maximum returns, providing ultimate client satisfaction. Here’s how a few of our clients grew after choosing us to develop and implement a strategy for success:

U.S. Oral Surgery Management

Through the creation of the corporate brand, positioning, value proposition, and market strategy, revenue increased from 30M to 150M in 18 months.

Emergis ER & Urgent Care

With our creative email, direct mail, print, and digital efforts, Emergis increased its monthly patient appointments by 25%.

Lumin Health

Increased referrals by 48%, consultations by 23%, and doubled patient visits through print and digital campaigns.

Ochsner Health

The rebranding and market strategy of the Ochsner Clinic to Ochsner Health System in 2006, contributed to a significant increase in market share from 13% to 39%.

Physician Private Practices

Surgeons have experienced increased patient consultations and procedures with an average of an 8:1 ROI.

Curbside Infusion Services

Start up Company

Built Curbside Infusion Service- design & creation of logo, look and feel, paper systems, power point template, brochure and website

Created  JLH Art design of brand/logo, paper  systems, brochure and website

JHL Art Gallery

Rebranded  Orthopedic Practice in Competitive Dallas Market

Orthopedic Institute of North Texas logo

Orthopedic Institute of North Texas

US Oral Surgery Management Brand Campaign: Events, Print, Digital, Website, SEO

Increased lead generation month over month that increased revenues from 30M to 150M in 18 months

US Oral Surgery Management

Increased business to Private Practices :

B2C Customized Digital Campaigns

Increased consumer consults and surgeries with an average of an 8:1 return
Private Practices

Online Asset Designs and Logos:  RPNT Management Services & JLH Art  Websites

Online Asset Designs and Logos

Emergis ER & Urgent Care – Direct Mail, Email, Print & Digital

20-25% increase in patient visits month over month

Lumin Health- Direct Mail, Print, Digital Ads & PPC

SpineCARE and OrthoCARE: Increased referrals by 48% in  12month period.

SpineCARE and OrthoCARE

Lumini Micro-Invasive Surgery: Increased patient consults by 23%.

Lumini Micro-Invasive Surgery

LuminCARE: Patient visits doubled month-over-month for 6month period.


Examples of Brands/Logos

Call Us Today to Develop Your Strategy