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Results-Driven Marketing Strategist in Irving, TX

Fine Marketing Solutions has served clients for over two decades with expert growth solutions as a healthcare marketing strategy firm in Irving, TX. Lisa’s mission is to help large and medium-sized companies access their full potential by evaluating the right tactics that will align with the company’s financial goals. We devise and implement strategies for success by deploying our skills in branding, business development, and communications for every project. We differentiate our clients and increase their exposure through creative and distinct campaigns that garner proven success. Whether you need to improve your customer traffic or sales, we’re the most trusted team to help your business grow.

three business women collaborating

Natural Leadership Guiding You Towards Success

With a high-energy senior consultant and brand advocate on your side, your business will be guided to new heights. Our team of seasoned experts in the healthcare industry produce relevant and exceptional work that drives results for each client.

From business expansion, leadership development, ROI increase, and beyond, we’re here to inspire your team to achieve more and shift your customers to brand advocates. We’ll support your business through expert skills and an innate passion for leading you to success. It’s time to increase your market share, sense of fulfillment, and overall happiness with strategies that genuinely work for you.

Genuine Growth and Business Development

We’ve elevated our clients from surviving business to industry leaders through expert strategy, development tactics, and business expansion, ensuring meaningful growth and sustained satisfaction.

We’re experts in developing detailed plans of action that cover all the areas needed for a successful outcome. Our print and digital creative campaigns produce results and achievements that boost our clients to the next level. The following is a sampling of what we did for several clients and what we can do for you:

  • $18 million revenue increase within 36 months.
  • 48% surge in doctor referrals within one year.
  • 45%+/- increase in business leads in five months.
  • 23% boost in lead generation in just a year.
  • 20% increase in annual patient visits.
  • 20% brand awareness boost in 18 months.
  • 15% surge of patient consultations within 12 Months.

Call Us Today to Develop Your Strategy