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Lisa Fine

Marketing Consultant/Fractional Chief Marketing Office

Fine Marketing Solutions offers marketing strategy, brand identity management and go-to-market plans that accelerate results and increase your business visibility. With years of expertise and experience working with large, mid-size, and private equity-funded healthcare companies, we’ve provided significant results for every client we’ve served.

By harnessing the power of excellent strategy, branding, digital, and communications, we’re capable of devising a seamless marketing plan that will produce real growth for your business, company, or practice. Our clients trust us to deliver on our promises, and we’ve sustained a reputation for exceeding their expectations. As determined and dependable experts, we are committed to helping your business succeed.

Wooden singpost with "help, support, advice, guidance" arrows against blue sky.

Led by Our Fearless Founder and Brand Advocate

Founded in 2013 by the chief executive and marketing consultant Lisa Fine, we’ve since grown into a top-tier marketing consultancy firm, earning the loyalty of clients along the way. Lisa possesses over 25 years of success in building effective growth strategies for mid and large-sized healthcare companies.

Lisa’s innate ability to lead and manage cross-functional teams, train staff, and inspire employees to reach their full potential has earned her praise and countless positive reviews within the industry. She’s a natural at spearheading corporate strategy from inception to completion, creating the best solutions for clients. She’s passionate about bringing those same motivational qualities to every client she serves. In addition, Lisa is part of The Marketing Blender team of Fractional Chief Marketing Officers located in Fort Worth, TX.

Blender Marketing

We’re Here to Grow Your Business

Is your brand’s identity or value proposition unclear? Are your revenue goals lacking? Are you struggling to motivate your team and get them to live out your brand promise? If so, we’ll develop a plan of action for boosting your business and achieving success. We’re a team of leaders passionate about fostering the growth of others, helping them realize their full potential, and living it out in everything they do. From increasing your profits to inspiring your staff, we’re completely equipped with the tools, knowledge, and expertise necessary for improving the state of your business.

Call Us Today to Develop Your Strategy